Sheela Ivlev
occupational therapist
Early in my career, I learned to provide my patients with the highest level of care while working for top Bay Area hospitals, including Stanford Health Care, Sutter Health’s Mills-Peninsula, and San Francisco VA Health Care System. As an occupational therapist, I care for patients from home to hospital and back, and prepare patients and their families to deal with new and changing diagnoses and health conditions.
In my experience as a clinical educator, while running an independent occupational therapy mental health clinic, and working in hospitals, I found the greatest gaps in care were in the home, healthcare advocacy, and mental health and wellness. My focus now is helping individuals and families navigate the challenging lifestyle changes that come along with complex health needs.
Even in my personal life, taking on the role of an advocate has been necessary for family and friends. Examples include identifying misdiagnoses, calling out impersonal medical care, securing medical expense coverage, and pushing through denied referrals. Utilizing my expertise in the healthcare field, I will minimize the stress and time spent on your health so you can focus on living. I am determined to provide personalized care and make sure the system works for you.