Frequently Asked Questions
How can you help me? We provide short-term mental health and wellness occupational therapy services to adults to improve physical and mental health, school, work, and daily life participation. Our sessions are practical, and we work on new or modified skills together. Most of our clients work with us for 4-6 sessions to meet their self-identified goals. Examples of goals include: improving sleep, better time management, increasing focus at work, reducing anxiety, building positive coping strategies, reducing pain while working.
What is Occupational Therapy? Occupational therapists are experts in finding the right fit by adapting tasks and environments for each individual because one size fits no one! We differ from other therapists in that we treat both physical and emotional health. We emphasize the things that bring you joy and meaning, analyze how you complete your daily tasks to find more effective and efficient ways to do them, and improve your well-being and quality of life. There is no medical diagnosis needed to receive services, but many of our clients have diagnoses of depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, autism, ADHD, and sensory processing disorder. Many of our clients are also working with psychiatrists or other mental health therapists while working with us to address specific, focused goals.
Do you accept insurance? We do not accept insurance at this time. However, you can pay for services with HSA and FSA funds. A superbill for paid services will be provided at your request.
What’s a superbill? A superbill is a detailed receipt of the services you receive. Clients who submit superbills to their insurance companies can potentially get reimbursed for services. It’s best to check with your insurance company first to understand their reimbursement guidelines and requirements.
Are you virtual only? Individual services are currently provided virtually within California using a secure, HIPAA compliant telehealth platform. Corporate wellness services are available in person within California.
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