Managing your well-being can be an overwhelming task. Step-by-step, we will review the areas of your life that need attention and identify simple and effective ways to take better care of yourself. Feel less overwhelmed in one session by setting goals and starting a self-care plan. Areas of wellness services include:

  • creating strategies and habits to deal with stress and anxiety

  • boosting self-esteem and confidence

  • improving time management and organizational skills

  • building healthy habits and routines

  • balancing busy lifestyles and finding work and life balance

  • doing more of what brings you joy and meaning

  • forming healthy sleep routines

  • pain management and mindfulness

  • learning new tools to make daily life more manageable

  • nutrition and movement for physical and mental health

  • nutrition and health education for chronic health conditions

  • FREE community groups! Sign up for my monthly newsletter to be the first to be notified about upcoming free monthly groups.